The only 15 weight loss tips you need to get in shape for 2020

Deciding what to do in the last few days of the year can be a difficult task since there is so much we want to achieve. Regardless of how we wish to spend our New Year’s eve, one thing remains constant in all our wish lists – and that is to be fit and healthy. So if you have spent 2019 trying hard to follow healthy habits, just to fall off the bandwagon shortly thereafter, let’s try and end this year on the perfect note.

With the year 2020 exactly 15 days away, we can still get back on track by following one healthy tip a day. They say you need a minimum of 15 days to form a habit and this experiment could just turn out to be life changing for us:

Read the complete story here: Weight Loss Challenge: Drink lots of water (Day 1)


02/15Include 2 fruits and 5 vegetables in your diet every day (Day 2)

We all know the goodness of fruits and vegetables in our every day diet but in the day’s rush we often forget and opt for quick foods.

Winter is the perfect time to feast on healthy green leafy vegetables and that is exactly what you should do. And if you already include a variety of vegetables in your diet, the next obvious step is to add lots of colour to your basket.

Read the complete story here: Weight Loss Challenge: Include 2 fruits and 5 vegetables in your diet every day (Day 2)


03/15Maintain a gap 3 hours between your dinner and bedtime (Day 3)

We all have heard the popular old adage, “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper,” but the popular belief did not cover one very important aspect – that of not hitting the bed shortly after eating your breakfast.

Eating too late is also associated with sleep troubles because a heavy undigested meal does not let your body shut down at night. Instead, it is busy digesting your last meal.

Read the complete story here: Weight Loss Challenge: Maintain a gap 3 hours between your dinner and bedtime (Day 3)


04/15Walk after your meals (Day 4)

Now that we are drinking ample water, eating a variety of fruits and vegetables and also keeping a gap between your dinner and bedtime, you must already be feeling lighter. So let us take the next step – that of taking a short stroll after every meal, especially your lunch and dinner.

If you can’t go outside to take a stroll, walk indoors. Look for excuses to walk after eating as it aids digestion and also helps in burning excess calories.

Read the complete story here: Weight Loss Challenge: Walk after your meals (Day 4)



05/15Limit outside meals to once in 15 days/delete food ordering apps (Day 5)

Writing helps declutter your mind and also helps you keep your life in track. In fact it can be a very useful tool is tracking your life.

Maintaining a journal does not only mean keeping a record of what you are eating but make it a daily journal. Include your daily steps, your diet, your cheat meals, your workout, your health updates, emotional updates, all in your journal. This will help you to review your day in a holistic manner. On days when you have walked less, and had more of a sedentary day, use your journal as a way to keep a check on your day.

Read the complete story here: Weight Loss Challenge: Limit outside meals to once in 15 days/delete food ordering apps (Day 5)


06/15Maintain a food and workout journal (Day 6)

Writing helps declutter your mind and also helps you keep your life in track. In fact it can be a very useful tool is tracking your life.

Maintaining a journal does not only mean keeping a record of what you are eating but make it a daily journal. Include your daily steps, your diet, your cheat meals, your workout, your health updates, emotional updates, all in your journal. This will help you to review your day in a holistic manner. On days when you have walked less, and had more of a sedentary day, use your journal as a way to keep a check on your day.

Read the complete story here: Weight loss: Maintain a food and workout journal (Day 6)


07/15Replace your tea or coffee with green or jasmine tea (Day 7)

India is a tea drinking nation and even coffee comes a close second in nationwide consumption, if not equal. However, if you wake up with the help of tea, you should know that it may be harming your overall health. Many people have a shot of black coffee as a pre workout meal and it is okay if it’s helping your weight loss goal. But let’s resolve to cut down on our dependence on coffee and tea and replace at least one cup of coffee or chai with green tea or jasmine tea or any natural herbal tea of your choice.

Read the complete story here: Weight loss: Replace your tea or coffee with green or jasmine tea (Day 7)


08/15Chew your food slowly and practice mindful eating (Day 8)

We lead busy schedules and this time crunch automatically translates into meals on the go! With a fairly limited time window, we have bad eating habits and accompanied by an unhealthy obsession to the screens, we are all guilty of overlooking one important fact- are we actually being mindful of the food we eat and chewing it properly? If your answer to this question is a big no, you agree that you tend to gulp down food like a chore, there is something you should know. According to various studies, this unhealthy lifestyle habit is costing you a few extra inches on the waistline!

Read the complete story here:

read the full story about The only 15 weight loss tips you need to get in shape for 2020

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