6 Steps to Building a Daily Meditation Practice – The Headlines

6 Steps to Building a Daily Meditation Practice

Professional acrobats orchestrate their movements to such perfection that it often renders you speechless. A person in mindful meditation cuts a picture of stark contrast. It is as if he/she is doing nothing. But don’t let that deceive you.

Venture a few steps into meditation, and the difficulties are revealed. Most people find it inconvenient to stay at it even for a few minutes, let alone understand how to begin a daily meditation practice. Yes, meditation can be challenging but you will find it easier once you begin to appreciate its many benefits. This article will give you six valuable tips to get started.



The Right Setting

If you can’t read this piece amidst a commotion, you can’t certainly start meditating unless there is peace and quiet around. The secret to cracking the case of how to begin a daily meditation practice starts at setting the right atmosphere to meditate. Ideally, pick a spot that doesn’t get frequented by your family members and also provides you with some privacy to work through your thoughts. You may even consider building a ritual around the process by incorporating scented candles or soothing music to enhance the ambience. And if you feel most comfortable in the presence of someone, consider keeping their photos or mementoes near.

The Correct Posture

You’ve probably seen photos of people meditating while seated in the classic Lotus Pose or Padmāsana, i.e. the posture of perfection and stability. It’s important to remember that it takes time to get used to the level of flexibility that such postures demand. Just as you cannot expect to perform Mozart’s Sonata No. 11 on the first day of your piano lesson; neither can you pull off meditative postures in the early days of your meditation.

Luckily, the practice doesn’t stipulate any particular asana. Do what feels natural and comfortable, be it sitting in a chair or lying down on a yoga mat. You’ll have the most success when you practice in a way that works for you. Because if your body is not at ease, you will never gather enough concentration to stay mindful.

The Right Time

Often talked about is the “ideal” time to meditate but in reality, there isn’t a particular time that works for everyone. We come from different individual circumstances and have day-to-day responsibilities, thus our schedule allows free time at different points of the day. If you force yourself to sit through a time that doesn’t sit well with your other responsibilities, you will most likely end up feeling discouraged to continue with meditation.

Instead, try meditating at a time that works best for you. A bit of trial and error in the beginning and you will soon zero in on a convenient time. It might be early morning, before you go to bed, during your break, or even on your way to work. Whatever time you pick, make an effort to keep with it.

Set Smaller Goals

Just as in any other practice, keeping realistic targets, in the beginning, is the key to understanding how to begin a daily meditation practice. I would advise you against being over-ambitious because, at the onset, you may not feel relaxed at all. So start with 30 minutes a day or so, but anything as low as even five minutes would serve. Work your way up gradually. If you find your goal of 30 minutes elusive, don’t beat yourself up, even 10 to 15 minutes of meditation per day offers benefits.

Consistency is the Key

Meditation can be tough, to begin with, as emotions and thoughts will knock at the door of your tranquillity. You would find them robbing you of the state of mind you yearn for. But if they distract you 100 times, you have to bring back your focus 101 times.

Learning to practice acceptance and curiosity within meditation will eventually help you build self-awareness. And, while mindfulness is something we all naturally possess ~ when we practice meditation on a regular basis, it’s more readily accessible to us. Remember that it takes time to form a new habit, so even if your goals aren’t met, don’t stop. Continue practising to make meditation a part of your daily routine.

Guided Meditation

Are you still uncertain about how to begin a daily meditation practice? Switch to your Smartphone when in doubt. You’ll find apps to help you begin your guided practice, with a few even helping you track your progress. Make sure you switch off other notifications and use your app of choice only as an aid for your meditation.

Here are a few ~ Headspace: Meditation and Sleep. Smiling Mind: Mindfulness. Sadhguru: Yoga, Meditation & Spirituality. Insight Timer: Guided Meditations.

Let’s Get Started

Here is a step-wise instruction to get you started with meditating:

Pick a spot where you feel relaxed. Sit or lie in a comfortable position.
Let’s start small. So set your timer for four to five minutes, to begin.
Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Feel the inhaled air filling your lungs, and notice the sensation of each exhale. Do not try to control your breath in any way; be natural.
You may find it challenging to sustain your focus on breathing. Thoughts wander ~ don’t resist. Let them draw closer, touch the walls of your mind and leave. Ease your mind back to focusing on your breathing.
When your timer goes off, open your eyes. Look around and see if anything feels different. You might experience some change or not. It can take many sessions for a person to start noticing the benefits of meditation, but some have claimed to feel them very early on. Remember that if you invest time into this practice, you will evolve into a person more mindful of your experiences and surroundings.



To conclude: Meditation is all about learning how to remain in the present moment. It brings clarity to your thoughts that let you make better decisions. So, learning how to begin a daily meditation practice is the key here. Incorporate the above guidelines to reap the benefits of steady meditation practice.

Have you tried meditation? Share your experience below.

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– Urban Diaries