1. Organise your closet
Trust us, when we say that. It’s one of the biggest changes you can bring to your 2020 wardrobe. By organising your closet, we mean to your accessories, clothes and shoes. A lot of times, we end up forgetting a special gift we got or an essential accessory we bought during the sale. Once you organise your closet and can visually be able to see every purchase of yours, you can utilise your closet to the fullest.
2. It’s okay to repeat
While you can mix and match a lot of clothes to try a new look, every day, it’s also okay to repeat your clothes. The last year was all about going sustainable and 2020 can be a big opportunity to go big on the ‘fashion-conscious’ trend.
3. Support local artists and designers
This year, support local artists` and designers in India. This way you will end up buying something unique and handmade. It can help to revive old crafts and even support the local community.
4. Recycle your clothes
Do you know the fashion industry is one of the major polluting industries in the world? This year, make a pledge not to throw clothes, but to recycle and upcycle them. Make your decision wisely, know which clothes can be reused and turned into a new garment and which can be given away for recycling.
5. Wear what you love
The one thing that will be in 2020 is you. Yes, we mean it! Wear what pleases you and not just follow the trends. Whether you’re curvy or petite, don’t feel shy to flaunt your personal style.
End of the article

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