“I was inspired by Dabangg Salman Khan to lose 41 kilos!”

When you are overweight, people not only make fun of your weight but even laugh at the things which usually go unnoticed in others. When 27-year-old Shubham went to watch Salman Khan’s movie with friends, he came out of the theatre feeling like a new person. He not only lost a whopping 41 kilos but also became a sub-inspector. Here is his incredibly inspiring weight loss journey.
Name: Shubham Ghosh
Occupation: Sub-inspector
Age: 27 years

Highest weight recorded: 126 kgs

Weight lost : 41kgs

Duration it took me to lost weight: 18 months

The turning point: It was when I was detained in the second year during my graduation. At that point, I weighed around a massive 116 kilos and had become a laughing stock in my whole college. Even though I was very good at playing games like volleyball and cricket, I had to constantly face criticism because of my size. At that point, I was very depressed.

One day, I went to watch the movie ‘Wanted’ with my friends. Seeing Salman Khan in a police uniform and his incredibly fit physique changed something inside me. The movie motivated me so much that I decided to achieve a physique and personality just like him. I became a fan of Salman Khan and started getting up at 5 am from the very next day. I started jogging in my college ground and also began drinking lemon water in the morning.

Slowly, I started to increase the intensity of the workout and started running in the evening. I could see improvements in my body and decided to enrol in the gym. While my friends made fun of me, I knew I wanted to change my physique. By 2015, my weight had dropped to 84 kilos and I could do a 100 pushups in one go! When I look back, I am so glad that I made that decision as I am an inspector today with a fit body.

My breakfast: I usually wake up at 5 in the morning and have a glass of warm water with a dash of lemon. At 8 am I eat 4 egg whites with 3 slices of brown bread.

My lunch: I make it a point to have my lunch at a sharp 12 o’clock in the afternoon. I have a small bowl of white or brown rice, a cup of boiled vegetables and 250 grams of fish or chicken fried in olive oil.

My dinner: 2 chapatis and a portion of chicken or fish or soybean or paneer. Besides these three basic meals, I take protein shakes after my workout.

My workout: Here is a breakdown of my workout routine:

I indulge in: I Indulge in chicken biryani on my Sundays cheat day.

Monday: Chest, back and abs(optional cardio)

Tuesday: Shoulder, biceps, triceps and forearms

Wednesday: Legs and abs

Thursday: Chest, back and abs

Friday: Shoulders, biceps, triceps and forearms

Saturday: Legs and cardio

Low-calorie recipes I swear by: I have made it a point to use extra virgin olive to cook anything I have to eat. So, from chicken fry to soybean masala, I use this oil.

Fitness secret I unveiled: I have realised that there is no shortcut to fitness. You have to train regularly with unwavering focus and the result will be here for all to see. There was a day when I could not even do a single push up but now I can do 80 push-ups non-stop.

How do I stay motivated? The feeling that I get when I wear my uniform and ride my Royal Enfield is unmatchable. I also feel really confident when I am showered with praises and it makes me feel like all the hard work was worth it. Moreover, my idol Salman Khan is the reason I started this weight loss journey and he remains my biggest motivation.

How do you ensure you don’t lose focus? I am not usually a morning person but because of my job profile, I don’t get time to work out during the evening. So, I have started to push myself to work out in the morning and the pump in my body after a hardcore gyming session ensures that I stay focussed.

What is the most difficult part of being overweight? It was definitely the fact that I had become a laughing stock and the centre of jokes in my college. Moreover, no girl wanted to hang out with me because of my size. It was really depressing.

What shape do you see yourself 10 years down the line? I haven’t really thought so far. I am just focusing on the present and working out really hard as I don’t want to gain weight again. All I know is that I wish to stay fit and healthy for the years to come.

What are the lifestyle changes you made? Earlier, I used to eat anything and everything. I also used to steal eggs from my refrigerator after my mom went to work. This is because my parents used to be really worried about my growing weight and they had restricted my diet. Now, I have made it a point to eat right and in the right proportions. I have completely given up on junk and processed food items and I have become really choosy about what I put in my mouth. I avoid oily and spicy food items as well.

What are the lowest points for you? I was terribly depressed when I could not proceed to the next year of my college. It was a very dark phase of my life and I only know how I pulled myself back up. Any student in my place would have certainly indulged in drugs, alcohol or anti-social activities but I decided to push myself in a positive direction.

Lessons learnt from weight loss: On my quest to lose weight, I have realised that the saying, “A fit body is made in the kitchen” is as true as it gets. It is important to understand that there is no shortcut to weight loss. It is not just training hard but what you put inside your mouth also counts.

For the uninitiated, weight loss is 30 per cent of working out and 70 per cent of what you eat. So, eat healthily and train hard if you want to lose weight the right way. In the early stages of my weight loss journey, I was sceptical about the usage of protein. Over a period of time, I have realised that proteins are indeed the building blocks of life and we need them in our day to day routine. I prefer buying my protein from abroad as I feel most of the protein available in India is not genuine.

If you too have a weight loss story to share, send it to us at toi.health1@gmail.com

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