Is your fatigue an early sign of coronavirus?

With the growing pace of infections reported during the second wave, it has become evidently clear that a cough or fever alone isn’t the only tell-tale signs of the infection. Unusual, previously less common symptoms are now acting as early indicators of the disease and demand attention. Fatigue can be one such sign.

As survivors recount, a COVID fatigue could be unlike any other fatigue or tiredness encountered before. That being said, fatigue is a common sign which can be experienced due to a lot of many factors- dehydration, stress, chronic illness or poor lifestyle choices. How do you then differentiate between COVID fatigue from other forms of fatigue? When should be the time to seek help?


02/9Is fatigue more common in the second wave?

Fatigue has been a long discussed characteristic symptom of COVID-19. While it was earlier commonly associated with severe forms of COVID-19, medical experts and case studies detail that more and more people are prone to developing fatigue during their pre-symptomatic days and it could continue to linger on for long.

The intensity of this symptom can also be persistent enough to not be ignored and could strike people of any age, young or old, including kids.


03/9Is fatigue and weakness a common sign of COVID-19?

Fatigue can be a common sign of not just COVID, but other viral illnesses as well. However, the intensity and duration of the symptom can be more severe with coronavirus infection.

According to experts, fatigue sets in due to the cytokines which are released by the body’s immune system to relieve infection and inflammation. The aftermath of fighting the infection, even at the earliest stage can make you feel dull, tired and experience intense fatigue. According to WHO reports, fatigue is now the 3rd most common sign of a COVID-19 infection.


04/9How is it different from tiredness?

Fatigue and tiredness can feel very similar, yet different. However, there are some differences that are noteworthy.

Medically speaking, tiredness can be a common complaint when there’s a loss of energy levels. However, it can last for some hours and usually gets resolved after getting some good rest and recovery. COVID Fatigue, on the other hand, can last for longer, make it excruciatingly difficult to carry out any tasks and last regardless of sleep.

A bout of fatigue can also make a person feel extremely dull, achy and lack energy. As with COVID-19, not only can the intensity and duration be different, it could also be accompanied by some other signs. These broad symptoms are now being looked at as signs which may help a patient differentiate normal fatigue from a COVID fatigue.


05/9Unnerving exhaustion and malaise

Malaise and exhaustion can be common symptoms of viral infections and certain disorders. While they are both signs of inflammation, some experts describe them as a precedent to actual sickness and can make a person feel overly tired, difficult to even get out of bed without a present cause.


06/9Weakness, dizziness

Feeling weak, dizzy, or frail could also be a sign that you are getting sick. Unexplained feelings of weakness, getting chills, or feeling unusually hot or cold could also be a sign that the body is fighting inflammation.


07/9A drop in platelet count

Newer reports have suggested that along with fatigue, a drop in platelet count, which can easily go unnoticed during these times could also be an early COVID indicator. If ignored, these symptoms could also prove to be fatal, or worsen diagnosis.

While there’s ongoing research as to how COVID could cause platelet count drastically, right now, it has been likened to how other viral infections behave and unleash symptoms like a sharp drop in platelets, fatigue and set in other inflammatory signs. Thus, getting diagnosed, and observing the manner your symptoms show up is crucial right now.


08/9Muscle aches and pains

While fatigue could be a common sign that sets in before fever or shortness of breath, doctors suggest that early-stage fatigue and weakness could be usually accompanied by muscle pain (myalgia), body pain that could add to weariness and exhaustion. Muscle pain is also a COVID-19 symptom in itself that could be hard to fight- cause sharp pain in the back, joints or a headache that just won’t go.

Thus, if you start to experience unusual pain or aches, be warned.


09/9What other symptoms should you be checking for?

As seen in a lot of cases, fatigue and exhaustion could be early signs of the infection. Other classic signs of the infection, including fever, cough, chest pain, chills, or shortness of breath can set in later. Thus, if you suspect your fatigue to be linked to COVID-19, be on the lookout for other signs of infection, and when they set in.

Since the virus is mutating, also be on the lookout for signs like rashes, red eyes and gastrointestinal symptoms.

It’s also important to note that a COVID fatigue, usually strikes accompanied by other symptoms. Chronic tiredness, fatigue, if persisting over 2-3 days, and a flare-up of any other sign is an indicator that you need a COVID test, and isolate.


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