Weight loss: How this housewife lost 29 kilos with Zumba

We often do not realize the side-effects of obesity until it gets too late. For 38-year-old housewife, Salma, being detected with diabetes and thyroid issues at a young age invited health problems. Determined to reverse the same, she maintained a strict diet, enrolled herself in a Zumba class, fought off all the excess weight and got her life back. To learn her weight loss secrets, read the complete story below:

Name: Salma Zoeb Patrawala

Occupation: Housewife
Age: 38

Height: 5 feet 2 inches

City: Pune

Highest weight recorded: 91 kilos

Weight lost: 29 kilos

Duration it took me to lose weight: 8 months

The turning point:
I was diagnosed with diabetes and thyroid at a young age. I realized losing weight was one of the ways to get my life back. When I did lose weight, I gained back my confidence, went back to my size ‘M’ clothes and most importantly, people showered me with compliments. All of this because of my transformation.

My breakfast:
I survive on desi khana. In the mornings, I usually have a couple of chapattis (small) with a cup of chai, with very little sugar in it.

My lunch: For lunch, a bowlful of subzi (whatever’s in season) and 2 chapattis.

My dinner: I make sure to have limited carbs, that too before sunset. I keep my dinners fairly light and have something like a fruit salad on days.

Post- workout meal: A big glass of milk with honey mixed in it.

I indulge in (What you eat on your cheat days): If it’s a cheat day, I am definitely having kheer, which I love eating. I am also a huge fan of chai so I drink another cup on my cheat day.

My workout: So the big change that I made in life was working out. I enjoy going on brisk walks, so I do that for about an hour and follow it up with a session of Zumba, which is an amazing way to burn up calories.

Low-calorie recipes I swear by: No recipe as such, but I truly believe that for losing weight, one has to practice mindful eating. Now, I think twice before eating something junk. You can say that the food first goes in my head before my mouth.

Fitness secrets I unveiled: There is nothing better and healthier than a balanced diet. Starving, or following fad diets is not going to help you burn the fat because you end up eating more. Maintain discipline, keep two-hour intervals between your meals and you are on your way to healthy living.

How do I stay motivated? : Motivation can be found within yourself. If I am feeling a little low, I look at myself in the mirror and promise to keep working on my goals I set for myself.

How do you ensure you don’t lose focus? I follow workout tutorials on the internet (HIIT BURN, Step Workouts). When I look at the people in the videos online, I always feel inspired to be just as fit as them. More than this, every time my husband compliments me, I feel happy and focussed.

What’s the most difficult part of being overweight? Health complications at a young age made it all difficult. These were the scariest parts for me. Losing weight has turned my life around and brought in positivity.

What shape do you see yourself 10 years down the line? I aspire to be a Zumba trainer in the future and motivate more people to work on themselves and life with full confidence and zeal. You only get to live once and it is important you make the most of it.

What are the lifestyle changes you made? I have changed my relationship with food. When I was overweight before, I never really cared about being fat or eating right, thinking all of that doesn’t really matter. Believe it or not, I calculate my calories before eating food now. If I know I am going to eat out or have a heavy dinner, I eat a light lunch. Moderation matters.

What was the lowest point for you? I felt the lowest when I was detected with diabetes. I could think of nothing but my daughter that day.

Lessons learned from weight loss: I have realized that one should never take weight gain problems lightly. Women, more so, forget to take care of these problems and invite health problems. However, what I believe is that a fit and healthy woman can become an inspiration for the ones around her and change other lives as well.

If you have a weight loss story to share, send it to us at toi.health1@gmail.com

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