Weight loss story: “I followed Intermittent fasting”

For working professional Rochit Mehrotra, weight gain meant battling a lot of negativity and losing out on confidence. Over the years, problems got worse and he had trouble doing even the most simple tasks. That’s when he decided to give his everything and lose weight. Read on to know the diet and workout he followed to lose 27 kilos.

Name: Rochit R Mehrotra

Occupation: Chartered Accountant (CA) and Company Secretary (CS)

Age: 37 years

Height: 165 cm

City: Mumbai (Kalyan)

Highest weight recorded: 93 kilos+

Weight lost: 27 kilos

Duration it took me to lose weight: More than a year


02/8What was the turning point?

There were two major reasons for my weight to increase so much. Firstly, my lifestyle and secondly my health conditions. I suffered from two episodes of epilepsy between 2010-2017, and the medicines I was prescribed led to weight gain.

From my childhood, I have suffered from a lot of inferiority complex, negativity and felt sidelined. This impacted my confidence. When my weight got out of control, I felt extremely low and did not like myself at all. The major turning point came up when one fine day, I couldn’t even bend down to tie my shoelaces. I never realized I was this fat and couldn’t do such a simple task. This was when I changed things and made fitness as my lifestyle. I never did look back after this.


03/8What I like to eat in a day

My breakfast: Usually, I used to have a cup of tea (without sugar) with 2 slices of brown bread and handful of nuts (4 soaked almonds +1 walnut) but since the past two months, I just have fruits and nuts in the morning.

My lunch: On a daily basis, two chapatis with 2 bowls of subzi. Sometimes, I also include salad, fruits, curd etc. Once a week, I have brown rice with dal/subji. No white rice or sweets.

My dinner: I used to have light dinners, something like upma, daliya, soya bean nutrela, rawa idli.

Pre-workout meal: Nothing specific

Post-workout meal: Since I used to work out early morning, my breakfast worked as a post-workout meal. Nothing apart from that.

I indulge in (What you eat on your cheat days): Never have I once cheated on my diet in these years, nor do I plan to!

Low-calorie recipes I swear by: Sprouts chaat/daliya/rawa upma/ dhokla/ idli.


04/8Workout I followed

The main goal was to be physically active but I kept on changing my workout often during the past years.

Firstly, I started jogging for at least 3 kilometres daily. I used to get up at 5 a.m. sharp, irrespective of my the time I went to bed or schedule.

Now, I have managed to speed up and run for 5 kilometres. In 2020, I ran for a total of 1475 kilometres!

I also used to go cycling during the weekends and do light exercises such as stretching, crunches in my daily routine.

During the lockdown time, I used up my extra time to also go step-climbing, go climb 17 floors of my building during the evenings.

I am also lucky to count on my friend and mentor, who taught me the correct form, exercise, hacks and even encouraged me to run a marathon!


05/8How do you ensure you don’t lose focus?

To keep going, no matter what hurdle you encounter. Initially, it proved tough for me to lose weight but as months went by, I was able to accomplish and increase my goals. The determination has helped me get the results as I have today.

How do I stay motivated?

With every selfie or reduced inches on your waistline, you feel more confident and get noticed by your friends and family. This feels super motivating. Also, the clothes I bought for my marriage in 2012 fit me well now!

Also, I made it a point to prove my worth to myself, feel and look great as an individual in society.

How do you ensure you don’t lose focus? Negative motivation works as the best way to keep you focussed I would say! It has turned into a fear of

sorts in my mind that if I don’t eat well or go exercise every day, I will end up gaining weight.


06/8What’s the most difficult part of being overweight?

Clothes don’t fit you well. Secondly, whenever I looked at myself in the mirror, I did not like it. Not liking the way you look is the worst feeling in the world.

What shape do you see yourself 10 years down the line?

I would like to follow a fit and healthy lifestyle as I do right now but also aim to include strength training so that I can tone my body even more.


07/8What are the lifestyle changes you made?

Eating habits and exercise are the two biggest changes I made. I follow a variation of intermittent fasting, which ensures that I do not snack anytime between meals. Giving up rice and sugar also helped.

What was the lowest point for you?

Besides the fact that the medications were a major contributor to my weight gain, I used to feel very low and dejected. The point when I stopped loving myself was the worst one. I took on a challenge to look better and to love myself more. Now, I do not care how society feels about me but just focus on my inner self. If you are happier with yourself, you don’t need to look further.


08/8Lessons learnt from weight loss

I have more energy and positivity in my life now. I make time to de-stress, constantly work on improving my outlook.

Even my workout helps me focus on my self, connect with nature, plan my day, focus on the good things.

The biggest learning is that anything and everything is possible when you set your mind to it.

If you have a weight loss story to share, send it to us at toi.health1@gmail.com


These views are not generic in nature. What worked for the writer may not work for you. So avoid following this article blindly. Find out what works for your body.


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